Summary of ‘Tudor House’ Documents
Wendy is a long-time member of the Society who prefers transcribing difficult documents to writing articles. This is a pity since she is one of only two members to have won an award from the British Association for Local History. This was for an article based on her transcription of the ‘Lloyd George Domesday’ – a land tax survey from 1909 to 1913 which provides invaluable information about properties in the town at that time.[1] She discovered the documents in the National Archives, transcribed them and made them available for researchers. This is now an ongoing project to record the whole of Gloucestershire online.
For this ‘article’, she was persuaded to study the private documents of Vic Whittingham, a former owner of the Tudor House Hotel, and make her findings available to the Society and posterity.[2] Issues to identify are when and how the present establishment became one entity and when it became known as the Tudor House.
Architectural historian, David Verey, wrote of this house: “One of the most charming houses in the town in spite of the fact that in 1897 its façade suffered the indignity of being covered with floorboards in pseudo-timber-frame style. It is a timber-framed 17C house altered and enlarged in 1701, the date on the cast lead rainwater-heads. As a piece of architectural design and proportion, it was a small masterpiece.”[3] How far do the documents agree? [Editor]
Image: This is the earliest photograph in our archive from 1914. It looks much like today and 51 is the building to its left, today known as Cromwell’s Bar. (R Wherrett)
The earliest document in the archive is the Will of Thomas Kemble dated 1770 in which he left, after minor bequests, all his property, Freehold, Leasehold and Copyhold to his dear wife, Margaret. Margaret Kemble’s Will of 1796, after several generous bequests, left “all my manors and other messuages,[4] farms, lands etc” [which included this property] to her niece Judith Bland. [Judith (née Bromley) was heiress to the Manor of Upton-on-Severn when she married John Martin – after he died she married Thomas Bland.] Margaret Kemble died in 1800.
After her aunt’s death, Judith Bland decided to sell the property and it is in this ‘Abstract of Title’ that earlier references can be found. Her uncle Thomas Kemble had purchased it for £350 in 1740 from Edmund Warkman (a minor), who formally ratified the agreement a few months later when he came of age. Edmund Warkman was the son and heir of Mark Warkman of London, wine merchant.
The property was then described as:
ALL THAT MESSUAGE ... with the garden, court, yard and backsides thereto belonging situated in High Street, otherwise Oldbury Street, … then in possession of Henry Whitaker gent – having a messuage ... then in possession of Widow Farren on South Side and the lane or highway called Red Lane on the North – and extending in length from said street on the forepart to River Avon on the hinder part thereof …[5]
such as this, which Kathleen Ross dated at c1840.Click Image
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The house was called ‘Academy House’[6] in December 1740, when Thomas Kemble leased land from the Bailiffs [joint Mayors] of Tewkesbury for 99 years:
ALL THAT PARCEL of Waste Ground lying within the Borough …. extending in breadth from the wall of the Academy garden to the River Avon – part whereof was then enclosed and called the Lower Garden – having said garden wall belonging to a house called Academy House then in the tenure of Henry Whitaker gent on the east; the River Avon on the west and a lane called Red Lane on the North and extends in length from the way on the back part of the garden or yard of Mary Farren widow – with all and every appurtenance to the same Waste Ground belonging – to hold to Thomas Kemble from 25th March then for 99 years at yearly rent of 6s-8d [33p] payable half yearly clear of taxes. Power of distress in case rent unpaid – Covenant by Thomas Kemble for payment thereof – and said Bailiffs for quiet enjoyment – Liberty given to said Thomas Kemble to erect a wall thereon as therein mentioned.[7]
In 1741 he also made an agreement with Widow Farren next door to lease, for 500 years, land at the bottom of her garden bordering the Avon and to make a way through to erect steps to fetch and carry necessities to and from River Avon:
GROUND sufficient below the wall of the garden belonging to the messuage ... then in possession of the said Mary Farren or her undertenants in the High Street … the said garden wall lying near the River Avon for erecting steps necessary and convenient to go off the land or ground opposite to the said wall through a doorway made out of the said Thomas Kemble’s garden wall and erecting such doorway being intended to be used for a passage into and out of said Thomas Kemble’s garden as the occasion of the said Thomas Kemble, his heirs, tenants etc may require And also full liberty for said Thomas Kemble his heirs and assigns to pass and repass to and from said Thomas Kemble’s garden through said doorway over any part of said ground below the said garden wall belonging to the said messuage then in possession of Mary Farren or … and to fetch and carry water, soil or any other necessities for and to any part of the River Avon opposite to the last mentioned garden wall … To hold to said Thomas Kemble his executors etc from thenceforth for 500 years at the yearly rent of 6d – power for said Thomas Kemble to build on said Mary Farren’s wall as therein mentioned.
Following the Warkman family, the premises remained in the Kemble family for over 60 years when, in 1801, it was sold by their heiress Judith Bland to William Procter, maltster, for £740. With the sale she also assigned the two leasehold pieces of land for the remaining years to come. William Procter lived there until he died in 1828 but he rented part of it to Mr. William Croome, land agent. William Procter’s Will of 1825 left, amongst other bequests:-
ALL MY FREEHOLD and Leasehold house and garden wherein I now dwell situate in Tewkesbury – including that part thereof now occupied by Mr Croome and all the Malthouses; Store houses; Stables; Yards; Outbuildings and gardens thereto belonging to my daughter Elizabeth Procter and her heirs absolutely and forever [There was a proviso that she should allow his wife Elizabeth to occupy such part of the dwelling house] as I now inhabit for the space of twelve months after my decease.
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His wife Elizabeth, described as “my 3rd and present wife”, together with his other two daughters, Catherine Pensam Procter and Maria Pensam Procter, were left a house, buildings and land at Puckrup to be divided equally. This was, in fact, Puckrup Farm, which Mrs. Elizabeth Procter and her daughter Catherine (Maria died February 1830) sold in 1830 to Charles Porter, Esq. of the Mythe for £2,323.10s.0d. Elizabeth Procter, daughter of William, owned today’s Tudor House premises – or 52 and 53 High Street – until her death on 5 May 1870. She made a will in 1869 leaving all her property to her sister Catherine Pensam Procter. Neither Elizabeth nor Catherine, the new owner, lived in Tewkesbury but the premises were rented out as two properties and the stable and malthouse were also let separately. Catherine Pensam Procter died on 11 March 1895; in her will of 1888 she left her estate to the two sons of her late cousin Mary Hill (daughter of John Rayer of Forthampton) – namely Richard Canning Hill and William Henry Hill. On Catherine’s death a valuation by Moore & Sons was executed:
1. A Brick and timber built residence, No. 52 High Street in the Borough of Tewkesbury let to Mrs Sarah Carless on a tenancy determinable at 6 months notice to expire on either Ladyday or Michaelmas at a rental of £32 per annum and containing:- On the Basement:- Ale and Wine cellars; On the Ground Floor:- Entrance Hall; Dining Room; Breakfast Room with bay window; W.C. Kitchen and Scullery; On the First Floor:- Landing; 2 Bedrooms; Boudoir and Drawing Room with bay window; On the Upper Floor:- 4 Bedrooms. There is a Courtyard on the other side of which is Larder; Brewhouse (having 2 baking ovens and 2 furnaces therein); Coal Cellar and a Sitting Room with Bedroom over same; Lawn; Garden; W.C.; Coach House and Stable with Loft Over. This property has 2 back approaches from Red Lane and is subject to a Land Tax of 10s-5d [52p] per annum.
2. A Brick and timber built residence adjoining the last named and being No. 53 High Street … now and for many years past occupied by Miss Elizabeth Rice at a rental of £28 per annum payable at Midsummer and Christmas. It contains: On the basement:- Ale and Wine cellars; On the Ground Floor:- Drawing and Dining Rooms Kitchen and Scullery; On the First Floor:- 3 Bedrooms and Schoolroom; On the Second Floor:- 3 Bedrooms; On the Upper Floor:- 2 Attics. Large Courtyard; Coal House and 2 W.C.s. This Property is subject to a Land Tax of 8s-3d [41p] per annum.
3. A Ten Quarter Malthouse adjoining the before mentioned properties now occupied as Corn Stores by Messrs. Rice & Co. as Christmas tenants at a rental of £10 a year; Land Tax 6s-5d [32p] per annum.
4. A Coal Yard on the Banks of the River Avon and in rear of last mentioned property to Mr James Wilkes, Michaelmas tenant at £32-10-0d per annum; Land Tax 9d [4p] a year.
The whole of the properties are at the present time in fair tenantable order except the Malthouse No. 3 which is in a dilapidated condition. The fabrics of Nos. 1, 2 and 3 are old and to be maintained in their present condition will require constant repair. We estimate the value of foregoing properties in fee simple as under: 1 & 2. Nos 52 & 53 High St (under one roof) £800; 3. Malthouse £100; 4. Coal Yard £30.
Image: An interesting photograph taken in the 1960s with little traffic but taken from the forecourt of the Sabrina Cinema. (C. Brown)
One of the brothers inheriting, Richard Canning Hill, was already in debt to an Elizabeth Rufford of Sussex and others so, in 1897, his share of the estate was sold to his brother William for £720, making William Henry Hill the sole owner. William Henry Hill borrowed money from several people in 1900, namely Richard Wood, Neville Gregory Moore, George Watson and William Twells, but repaid them in 1902 by borrowing £1,050 from William Phillips of Deerhurst. He made a will in February 1904 leaving all his real estate to his sister Jane Emily Hill and appointed her, together with Thomas Weaver Moore and Arthur Fowell Turner, executors. William continued to let the premises although, when he died at Tewkesbury in 1904, his sister Jane and his executors sold the property to Cecil Charles Moore.[8] In 1904 Cecil Charles Moore paid £780 for:
All that messuage …. with yard, gardens, coach house, stable and offices and outbuildings being 52 High Street known as ‘Tudor House’ formerly in the occupation of Samuel Bath but now of Thomas Weldon Thomson And Also – all that messuage … adjoining the last mentioned messuage with yard and outbuildings adjoining and belonging being 53 High Street and known as ‘Durham House’ now and for many years in occupation of Miss Rice.
Cecil Moore returned Nos. 52 and 53 High Street to being one property and made it his residence. In 1905 he sold the yard to Harry Alexander Badham for £52 and the stable with loft over to Thomas Weldon Thomson for £75. In 1914 Thomas Weldon Thomson sold the Stable or Coach House with loft over to Daniel Finnigan, of High Street, Tewkesbury, grocer, for £150. Cecil Charles Moore made a will in 1917 appointing his wife, Eliza Georgina Moore, Thomas Weaver Moore and Neville Gregory Moore executors and when he died on 15 February 1918 the property was sold to Francis John Healing of Beauthorns, Cheltenham, for £1,200 [son of miller William G Healing].
Harry Alexander Badham [then living at No. 51 High Street] died in 1918 and in 1920 his widow, Lucinda Badham, sold that part of the yard behind “Tudor House” to Francis John Healing for £72 and it was mutually agreed to build a wall or fence separating the areas; not to keep animals on it; not to erect any building which might obstruct the view of Nos. 51 or 52 High Street. In 1921 owner Francis John Healing (still of Cheltenham) sold to Robert Haden Tebbs Esq. of London for £2,000:
“Tudor House formerly 52 and 53 High Street” and “the strip of land with greenhouse erected thereon situate at Back of Avon in rear of said hereditaments”.
At the same time, Robert Haden Tebbs also purchased, for £250, from Daniel Henry Finnigan, the coach house with loft over to convert the stable etc to servants bedrooms.A fire certificate, issued in 1921 to Mr. Tebbs, adds: “Building of private dwelling house and domestic offices adjoining and communicating known as ‘Tudor House’ – Brick and Half Timber built and tiled (including stabling and garage attached … about to be converted into servants bedrooms and offices)”. Also in 1921 Robert Haden Tebbs purchased land from Alfred Shakespeare for £525. This land, “with the stabling and other buildings thereon also lying between the North Quay Road and the River Avon” had been purchased by Arnold Perret & Co. from Tewkesbury Brewery in 1896 and sold to H.A. Badham in 1911. Alfred Shakespeare bought it from H.A. Badham’s widow in 1919.
To finance all this Robert Haden Tebbs raised £2,650 from Herbert Carlton Buttress of Cambridge using the premises as security, and made further loans with others using property he had in Bath and Kenilworth on twenty-one-year leases.
In June 1925 the mortgagee sold the premises to William Henry Mayo9 of Malvern for £1,900 which he financed by borrowing £1,500. However, money problems persisted, so in 1930 William Henry Mayo sold the premises to Edith Emily Fothergill of Birmingham for £1,550 and in 1934 she sold it to Ian Hew Mackillop Brown for £2,500.
There are only Land Searches after this date but it would appear that in 1937 Florence May Freeman, formerly of The Bell Inn, was the next owner, who by 1939 had moved to Royal Oak Hotel, Leominster, when a Land Search was done for George Lister, Esq., Clarence Street, Gloucester (although this may have been a solicitor acting for a purchaser).
At some stage 51 High Street must have been purchased and incorporated into the premises. Although there are no further documents until 1976, in that year E.H. & E. Bigland & Sons Ltd are requested by the County Council for consent for lighting to be attached to 51 High Street; the Midland Electricity Board also requested leave to erect a pole and stay wire on ground near the Avon.[10]
Year | Name | Owner | Occupiers mentioned [date] |
Pre 1740 | The Academy | Mark Warkman / Edmund Warkman | Henry Whitaker [1740] |
1740 - 1800 | Academy House | Thomas & Margaret Kemble | Thomas & Margaret Kemble |
1801 - 1828 | Freehold house & garden | William Procter | William Procter – Mr. Croome [1825] |
1828 - 1870 | Elizabeth Procter | ||
1870 - 1895 | 2 Dwelling houses | Catherine Pensam Procter | Mr Bourton, surgeon – Mrs. White [1870] |
1895 - 1897 | 52 & 53 High Street | Richard Canning Hill & William Henry Hill | Mrs Sarah Carless – Miss Elizabeth Rice [1895] |
1897 - 1904 | Tudor House & Durham House | William Henry Hill | Tudor House: Samuel Bath [Organist and choirmaster of Tewkesbury Abbey] Durham House: Miss Elizabeth Rice [pre 1904] (Tewkesbury Borough Council 1958) |
1904 - 1918 | Tudor House | Cecil Charles Moore | Cecil Charles Moore |
1918 - 1921 | Tudor House | Francis John Healing | |
1921 - 1925 | Tudor House | Robert Haden Tebbs | |
1925 - 1930 | Tudor House | William Henry Mayo | |
1930 - 1934 | Tudor House | Edith Emily Fothergill | |
1934 - 1937 | Tudor House | Ian Hew Mackillop Brown | |
1937 - 1939 | Tudor House | Florence May Freeman | |
No more information until 1976 | |||
1976 | Tudor House | E.H. & E. Bigland & Sons Ltd |
- Wendy Snarey, ‘Lloyd George’s Domesday Book’, THS Bulletin 11, 2002, p. 30.
- The archive consists of 62 documents ranging in date from 1796 to 1976. There are a further eight documents [A to H] in a clear plastic wallet, ranging in date from 1770 to 1937. These have been kept separate in the archive but incorporated chronologically into the summary. The transcribed documents are available for further study on the THS on-line Woodard Database. The photographs have been added from THS archive. [Editor]
- David Verey, Gloucestershire 2, ‘The Vale and the Forest of Dean’ (Editor Nicholas Pevsner, 1970) p. 376.
- Messuage is an archaic term nearly synonymous with dwelling house; it is usually followed by “or tenement” etc.
- The Original of this document is framed and hanging above the fireplace in the part of the modern Tudor House which was once No. 51 High St. In THS Bulletin 11 (2002), ‘What's in a Name? Oldbury Street/High Street’, Bill Rennison investigated the names for the modern High Street. [Editor]
- This refers to the use of the building as the Presbyterian Academy between 1712 and 1719; a future Archbishop of Canterbury was educated there. [Editor]
- Document 2 p. 1/2.
- Cecil Moore was the father of John Moore, 1908-1967. Views from the window inspired John Moore’s book, A Portrait of Elmbury. [Editor]
- Mayo, a “well known Malvern Estate Agent” was sent to prison in 1934 for fraud (British Newspapers Online).
- Mr. Whittingham bought the property from Mr. Bigland in 1976. [Editor]