1815 - Assignment of 1000 years to attend the inheritance – William Read to John Merrell

Transcribed by Wendy Snarey, 2012

Indenture dated 4th April 1815 between:-

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  1. William Read of Hardwick gent
  2. John Merrell of Walton Cardiff Ashchurch husbandman

Whereas by Indenture made 24th August 1811 made between – Henry Welling and William Read for £1000 Henry Welling demised the premises to William Read 

And Whereas afterwards William Read being apprehensive that said Messuage or Tenement were an insufficient security for £1000 lent by him did apply and prevail upon said Henry Welling to repay him the sum of £150 thereby reducing the mortgage to £850

And whereas Henry Welling by Indenture or Lease and Release dated 18th / 19th November 1814 – Release between:-

  1. said Henry Welling
  2. Henry Fowke of Tewkesbury esq and William Moore of Tewkesbury wine merchant (Trustees as therein mentioned)
  3. Several persons wose names are thereunto subscribed and seals affixed being creditors of the estate of said Henry Welling

did convey and assure (inter alia) the said Messuage or Tenement and the fee simple and inheritance thereof unto said Henry Fowke and William Moore IN TRUST to sell for the purposes therein mentioned

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AND WHEREAS said William Read hath lately contracted and agreed with said Henry Fowke and William Moore for absolute purchase of fee simple and inheritance of said Messuage free from all incumbrances for £893-8s-6d of which sum it was agreed that the mortgage debt due to said William Read – accounting for principal and interest was £873-8s-6d should form part.

AND WHEREAS upon the treaty for the purchase it was agreed between Henry Fowke and William Moore and William Read that prior to conveyance to said William Read the remainder of the said recited term of 1000 years should be assigned to a trustee of said William Read's nomination in order to prevent a merger of such term in the inheritance of said premises

NOW THIS INDENTURE WITNESSETH that for 5 shillings to said William Read paid by said John Merrell – he said William Read hath assigned to John Merrell – ALL THAT MESSUAGE and Malthouse formerly in tenure of Thomas Pensam since of Henry Welling – having Mesuage of said Henry Welling on North and Messuage of [blank] Hyett occupied by Richard Warder on South – extending from said Street to Oldbury Field – To hold to John Merrell IN TRUST for said William Read – and in meantime to wait upon the freehold and inheritance to protect from incumbrances if any shall happen

Signed and Sealed by William Read

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