1782 – George Vernon & Charles Embury – Rent of a Malthouse

To all to whom these presents shall come -
James Kedwards of Tewkesbury in County of Gloucester butcher (only son and heir of Nutt Kedwards late of same place butcher deceased)
Ann Kedwards of Tewkesbury aforesaid (widow and relict of the said Nutt Kedwards) and Charles Embury and George Vernon both of Tewkesbury aforesaid Distillers send greeting :-
Whereas the said Charles Embury and George Vernon hold and occupy as tenants to the said James Kedwards and Ann Kedwards or one of them at and under the yearly rent of ten pounds – A CERTAIN MALTHOUSE with its appurtenances situate in Tewkesbury aforesaid – in or near to a certain street there called the High Street which – together with with a Messuage or Tenement Garden and other buildings thereunto adjoining and late the estate of the said Nutt Kedwards deceased –
and were by the said Nutt Kedwards and Ann his wife demised and granted unto Mary Attwood (afterwards Mary Jones, wife of the Reverend Henry Jones, clerk deceased) by way of Mortgage for securing repayment of the sum of £195 and the interest thereof – which said mortgage is now become legally vested in Sarah Lye of the City of Gloucester spinster and sole executrix named in the last Will and Testament of the said Mary Jones
AND WHEREAS the said James Kedwards and Ann Kedwards are willing and desirous that the said Sarah Lye shall have the possession of the said Malthouse with its appurtenances and receive the rents thereof – for or towards satisfaction of the interest money due and to grow due on account of the said mortgage and to that end have agreed that the said Charles Embury and George Vernon shall attorn and become tenants to her the said Sarah Lye in manner hereinafter mentioned
NOW THEREFORE KNOW YE – that the said Charles Embury and George Vernon by and with the consent and direction of the said James Kedwards and Ann Kedwards testified by their being parties to and their sealing and delivery of this present writing have attorned and become tenants and by these presents do attorn and become tenants unto the said Sarah Lye – and in testimony of this attornment have paid to the said Sarah Lye – by the hands of John Parsons esq (her Attorney or Agent) – the sum of One Shilling of lawful British Money
And the said Charles Embury and George Vernon for themselves and for their respective executors and administrators do hereby covenant and agree to and with the said Sarah lye her executors and Assigns that they – the said Charles Embury and George Vernon shall and will from henceforth pay the rent due and to grow due for the said Malthouse – with its appurtenances – to the said Sarah Lye – her executors or Assigns – and shall not nor will deliver the possession thereof to any other person or persons whomsoever – unless compelled thereto by Law or Equity
In Witness whereof the said James Kedwards, Ann Kedwards, Charles Embury and George Vernon have hereunto set their hands and seals the first day of May 1782
Signed in presence of John Fox junior by James Kedwards and George Vernon