by Wendy Snarey

(29) Release – Mr Richard Insoll the younger and Wife to John Fluck – 22nd April 1778

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On Cover: Release Mr Richard Insoll the younger and wife to Mr John Fluck – 22nd April 1778 – consideration £110


This Indenture made 22nd April 1778 between 

1. Richard Insoll the younger Tewkesbury yeoman (eldest son and heir of Daniel Insoll late of Tewkesbury baker by Mary his wife both deceased) and Mary wife of said Richard Insoll the younger

2. John Fluck of Tewkesbury innholder

Whereas that in consideration of £110 to said Richard Insoll the younger paid by said John Fluck (receipt acknowledged) said Richard Insoll and wife Mary hath granted sold and released unto said John Fluck

All that Messuage or Tenement situate lying and being in Tewkesbury in a certain street there called the High Street otherwise the Oldbury Street on the North side of the said street formerly in possession of Nicholas Allen afterwards of Richard Bubb, John Peace baker, Sarah Granchew, Joseph Heath and William Probert but now of Sarah Moore widow having
A Messuage or Tenement heretofore of James Kingsbury afterwards of Nutt Kedwards and now belonging to John Bush esq on the North side 
A Messuage or Tenement formerly in possession of Bartholomew Sweet since of William Smith butcher but now in possession of John Kingdon on South side
All which said Messuage or Tenement hereditaments and premises were formerly the estate and inheritance of Sarah Granchew widow afterwards of Daniel Insoll since of George Hawkins haberdasher of hats who sold and conveyed the same premises to the use of Richard Insoll the younger his heir forever by a certain Indenture of Lease and Release dated 12th / 13th June 1772

And all the outhouses edifices etc etc whatsoever belonging – 

And all Reversion and Reversions and Remainder and Remainders Rents Issues etc

To hold the said Messuage or Tenement and premises to said John Fluck his heirs and assigns

Covenant by Richard Insoll that property encumbered (Chief Yearly Rent of 3 pence payable to the Governors of the Free School in Tewkesbury and issuing and payable out of said hereby granted and released Messuage or Tenement hereditaments and premises and the rents and services henceforth to grow due to the Chief Lord or Lords of the fee or fees of the said premises in respect of his or their seigniory or seignories only excepted and foreprized)

Covenant that Richard Insoll and wife will enter into a Fine Sur Cognizance de Droit Come Ceo in court of common pleas

Covenant to production of Deeds

To hold to use of John Fluck and his heirs

Signed: Mark of Richard Insoll junior; Mary Insoll

LEASE dated 21st April 1778 INSIDE

(29c) Bond – Mr Richard Insoll the younger to John Fluck – 22nd April 1778

On Cover: Bond or Obligation - Mr Richard Insoll the younger to Mr John Fluck – 22nd April 1778 – 


This was a Formal Bond or Obligation made 22nd April 1778 between 

  1. Richard Insoll the younger Tewkesbury yeoman 
  2. John Fluck of Tewkesbury innholder

Quoting that in consideration of the money borrowed in Indenture of 22nd April 1778 the Richard Insoll the younger is firmly bound in the sum of £220 regarding the premises described in that Indenture namely:-

All that Messuage or Tenement situate lying and being in Tewkesbury in a certain street there called the High Street otherwise the Oldbury Street on the North side of the said street formerly in possession of Nicholas Allen afterwards of Richard Bubb, John Peace baker, Sarah Granchew, Joseph Heath and William Probert but now of Sarah Moore widow having
A Messuage or Tenement heretofore of James Kingsbury afterwards of Nutt Kedwards and now belonging to John Bush esq on the North side 
A Messuage or Tenement formerly in possession of Bartholomew Sweet since of William Smith butcher but now in possession of John Kingdon on South side
All which said Messuage or Tenement hereditaments and premises were formerly the estate and inheritance of Sarah Granchew widow afterwards of Daniel Insoll since of George Hawkins haberdasher of hats who sold and conveyed the same premises to the use of Richard Insoll the younger his heir forever by a certain Indenture of Lease and Release dated 12th / 13th June 1772

Obligation is that if all observations observed then obligation shall be void or else the same shall be in force and virtue forever

Signed: Mark of Richard Insoll

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