1760 – Mortgage for £195 – Nutt Kedwards to Mary Attwood

Transcribed by Wendy Snarey, 2012
1760 – Mortgage for £195
1760 – Mortgage for £195Click Image
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Indenture dated 31st December 1760 - 1st year of George III between:-

  1. Nutt Kedwards of Tewkesbury and Anne his wife
  2. Mary Attwood of Tewkesbury spinster
  3. Henry Whitaker of Tewkesbury gentleman

Witness that for £195 – Nutt Kedwards and Anne his wfe have granted to Mary Attwood – ALL THAT MESSUAGE or Tenement with appurtenances and One Garden belonging situate in High Street in possession of John Clifton and Henry welsh deceased, late of Samuel welsh and now in possession of Nutt Kedwards – having Messuage or Tenement now of late of Richard Symonds on North and Messuage or Tenement now or late of widow Clifton on South – to hold to Mary Attwood for 500 years with proviso of redemption 

Signed and Sealed: Nutt Kedwards; Anne Kedwards and Henry Whitaker

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