(5) 1719 - Assignment of Mortgage – Sturmy and Others to Bick
to Expand
Indenture dated 15th July 1719 between:-
- John Sturmy of Cheltenham mercer
- Ralph Jones of Tewkesbury innholder
- William Ridler and Mary his wife
- Charles Mason of Tewkesbury tobacconist
- Laurence Cox of Southwick yeoman
- Charles Bick [or Birk] of Treddington gent AND William Attwood of Stoke Orchard yeoman
Reciting Indenture of 27th January 1708 and
Reciting Indenture of 21st November 1709
and stating that default was made and Messuage etc became John Sturmy's by law and that there was now due and owing £142-18s-0d
And that Charles Mason hath agreed to the absolute purchase in fee simple for £221-1s-0d
And that Laurence Cox hath agreed to absolute purchase of meadow for £26-1s-0d
to Expand
NOW THIS INDENTURE WITNESSETH that for £128 paid to John Sturmy by Charles Mason – that part owing to him and a further sum of £15-18s-0d paid by Laurence Cox – John Sturmy hath assigned and set over to Charles Bick and William Attwood – by the nomination of Charles Mason and Laurence Cox – the right and title to the several messuages – upon the trusts after mentioned – that is:- In trust for Charles Mason until fee simple rightfully belong to Charles Mason.
And likewise Acre of Meadow in trust for Laurence Cox
And for further £93-1s-0d paid to william Ridler and Mary his wife by Charles Bick and William Attwood they have granted to them etc
8 Seals – 6 Signatures: Sturmy; Jones; Wm Ridler; Mary Ridler; Mason; Cox