27 High Street

The site was demolished around 1970 and the new building was built on the site of the houses in these documents and became Lipton's Supermarket. Afterwards the site was split and two shops (Freeman Hardy & Willis shoes and Peacocks) were sited there. Today (2019) it is “Shoezone” and “Coffee#1”
The Property which is no. 27 High Street today begins with the Deed of 1726 but it refers to a mortgage of 1717 – when Nicholas Allen and Isabella his wife borrow £30 from Hopewell Hayward of Forthampton
In 1726 – his son Nicholas Allen glover and wife Elinor pay off the mortgage and sell the property to Richard Bubb for £55
Richard Bubb borrows money from Elizabeth Hayward and in 1727 - £80 is still owing so he sells the property to John Peace who is acting in trust for Sarah Jones [widow of Ralph Jones late of Tewkesbury innholder] for £110 – it is described as:-
All that one Messuage or Tenement with the
appurtenances situate in the High Street alias Oldbury Street in Tewkesbury
late in possession of Nicholas Allen the elder his heirs and assigns and now of
him the said Richard Bubb having
A Messuage or Tenement now in the possession of James
Kingsbury on the North Side
A Messuage or Tenement now in the possession of
Bartholomew Sweet on the South Side
1752 – Sarah Granchew [first husband John Peace deceased] and her son John Peace sell to Daniel Insoll for £40 – Samuel Rose and James Turner are Trustees for this being a settlement by way of jointure in the marriage of lately had between Daniel Insoll and Mary his wife. Subject to the £80 and interest
1759 – Daniel Insoll sells to George Hawkins of Tewkesbury haberdasher of hats, the equity of redemption of
All that messuage or Tenement
with the appurtenances lying and being in Tewkesbury in the High street alias
Oldbury Street formerly in possession of Nicholas Allen his undertenants or
assigns afterwards of Richard Bubb and John Peace baker but now in the tenure
and occupation of Joseph Heath cordwainer as tenant thereof having
A Messuage or Tenement late
in possession of James Kingsbury but now of Nutt Kedwards butcher on the North
A Messuage or Tenement late
in possession of Bartholomew Sweet but now of William Smith on South Side
And was lately purchased by
said Daniel Insoll of Sarah Granchew widow and her son John Peace
In 1772 George Hawkins sold property to Richard Insoll [son of Daniel Insoll] and
In 1778 Richard Insoll [son of Daniel] sells for £110 to John Fluck
All that Messuage or Tenement
situate lying and being in Tewkesbury in a certain street there called the High
Street otherwise the Oldbury Street on the North side of the said street
formerly in possession of Nicholas Allen afterwards of Richard Bubb, John Peace
baker, Sarah Granchew, Joseph Heath and William Probert but now of Sarah Moore
widow having
A Messuage or Tenement
heretofore of James Kingsbury afterwards of Nutt Kedwards and now belonging to
John Bush esq on the North side
A Messuage or Tenement
formerly in possession of Bartholomew Sweet since of William Smith butcher but
now in possession of John Kingdon on South side
All which said Messuage or
Tenement hereditaments and premises were formerly the estate and inheritance of
Sarah Granchew widow afterwards of Daniel Insoll since of George Hawkins
haberdasher of hats who sold and conveyed the same premises to the use of
Richard Insoll the younger his heir forever by a certain Indenture of Lease and
Release dated 12th / 13th June 1772In
1791 Esther Fluck widow of John Fluck sells to William Heath for £172
All that Messuage in High Street formerly in possession of Richard Bubb; John Peace baker; Sarah Granchew; Joseph Heath; William Probert but now of William Gardiner stonemason as tenant having Messuage heretofore in occupation of Nutt Kedwards then belonging to John Bush esq but now the property of Thomas Woollams gent and in the occupation of Mr [blank] Kingsbury on north – and Messuage formerly in possession of William Smith butcher after of John Kingdon and now the property of Samuel Wilkins and in the occupation of Mr [blank] Williams toyman on south.
All which released Messuage were formerly the estate and inheritance of Daniel Insoll afterwards of George Hawkins since of Richard Insoll the younger who sold to use of John Fluke deceased by indenture dated 21st/22nd April 1778
William Heath in his will of 1792 devised his Messuage in High Street in occ of Wm Gardner to wife for life and then to Brother Richard Heath. Richard Heath will of 1819 devised Messuage being no. 27 High Street to John Pritchard
In 1820 John Pritchard borrows £150 from John Ancill and a further £34 in 1826 setting over the residue of 1000 years to Bartholomew Sweet
In 1831 John Pritchard sells to Joseph Hawkes for £265 paying off the £184 owed to John Ancill. Messuage now in the occupation of Carew Noxon
In 1833 Joseph Hawkes borrows £300 from Mary Holland of Tewkesbury widow
In 1836 James Bennett purchases the property for £250 discharged of mortgage debt and agreed to pay the £250 to Mary Holland in part payment of the mortgage debt
The residue of the term of 1000 years created in 1727 was set over to Anthony Sproule
And the residue of the term of 2000 years created in 1820 was set over to William Moore In Trust for James Bennett to wait upon the inheritance
James Bennett in his Will of 1853 devised all his property to his son Charles James Bennett who by his Will of 1860 devised his estate to his cousins William Henry James of Abergavenny and John Dimery Phillips of Donacaster
In 1861 the property was auctioned at the Swan Hotel where Alfred Robert Tustin was highest bidder at £190
Alfred Robert Tustin borrowed £150 from William Green of Tewkesbury gentleman
In 1867 William Winterbotham bought the property to William Winterbotham for £195 paying the £150 mortgage debt to William Green and the balance of £45 to Alfred Robert Tustin
All that Messuage or Tenement or Dwelling House situated in Tewkesbury on the North West of the High Street in the successive occupations of William Gardner/ Richard Heath/ John Pritchard afterwards Carew Noxon then late of Charles Dowswell and now of Alfred Robert Tustin having
A Messuage or Tenement formerly of Mr Cooper in the occupation of John Frost then in the occupation of Mary Bassett then belonging to of [blank] and occupied by Levi Clifton on South West
And A Messuage or Tenement formerly of Thomas Holland in occupation of Richard Waters afterwards in the occupation of William Townsend then belonging to Thomas Weaver and occupied by [blank] on the North East
Which said Messuage to be granted were in the year 1836 bought by one James Bennett with the Appurtenances – and was by said William Green granted and by said Alfred Robert Tustin directed limited and appointed to use of said William Winterbotham and his assigns forever
A month later William Winterbotham sells the property to John Frost of Tewkesbury schoolmaster for £205
From abuttals in early Deeds from 1726 it is known that names in no. 26 High Street are:
Bartholomew Sweet/ then William Smith butcher/ then John Kingdon/ then Samuel Wilkins in occ: of Mr Williams toyman/ Mrs Cooper in occ: Mary Bassett