News and events from 2021

Alderton Saxons

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The village of Alderton is looking to purchase an acre of land which has suggestions of Saxon remains. As we are considering planting trees in the area we are wondering how to investigate any historical remains. Thank you for any advice you can give - contact Julia Woodman.

Annual General Meeting

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Our Annual General Meeting was held via 'Zoom' on Thursday 20 May 2021. After AGM business, Roger Butwell presented home movies of Tewkesbury, which  included the Queen's visit in 1971 and the last train to Tewkesbury in 1961.

Woodard Award 2021

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The Woodard Award 2021 has been awarded to Karl Freeman for his article Great Balls of Fire (the Story of Tewkesbury Mustard). The award was made at our 'Zoom' AGM. 


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6 June is the anniversary of D-Day and the official opening of the new memorial in Normandy.
 A video of the official opening is available at the Normandy Memorial Trust.
You can read John Dixon's article on Tewkesbury's own D-Day hero, Edwin J. Davis.

'Pills, Shocks & Jabs"

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A new book by Peter Cullimore - details here.
John Dixon

Ridley Road

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John Dixon's historical context review of the BBC 1 Sunday Night Drama, Ridley Road [Oct 2021].

Read John Moore's 1962 article 'The Day the Nazis came to Gloucestershire'.

UK Census

With the 2021 Census held on 21 March you may be interested in a short guide to previous census returns - click on the PDF to read and click here to access our searchable transcriptions of past census returns for Tewkesbury. 
John Dixon & Malachy Cornwell-Kelly

Non-Designated Heritage Assets in Tewkesbury

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We have been approached by Nana Pierre, Heritage Engagement Officer, Tewkesbury Borough Council to help her draw up a list of Non-Designated Heritage Assets.

Non-designated heritage assets are locally-identified ‘buildings, monuments, sites, places, areas or landscapes identified by plan-making bodies as having a degree of heritage significance meriting consideration in planning decisions, but which do not meet the criteria for designated heritage assets’ (PPG). It is important to note that some non-designated heritage assets are equivalent to designated heritage assets in terms of significance.

They do not have the status of listed buildings but might contribute to planning debate about a possible development. There might be some such asset you feel ought to be added to the list Nana is constructing. For example: Mythe Tunnel and Remnants of the 1864 Railway Station are not included.

You can see A: here the list of listed buildings in our town compiled by Historic England and Tewkesbury Town Council to check if the asset which interests you has already been ‘listed’.

If you wish to submit an asset via THS then please check the B: Published Criteria

And if you think you can make the case, you have to C: Fulfil the Criteria which is quite demanding of your time and knowledge.

If you wish to go ahead, please submit a draft of your proposal [C] to mozartkelly@btinternet.comfor us to consider.

John Dixon

Echoes of April 2021

Nicola Nash, our speaker from zoom days and “War Detective” from the MOD, was featured on local BBC TV news today with the reburial of soldiers killed, but missing in action, after the Battle of Passchendaele, 1917.

Keep up the invaluable work!

The Duke of Edinburgh's Links With Tewkesbury

In response to the passing of the Duke of Edinburgh, John Dixon has compiled the attached on Prince Philip's links with Tewkesbury.

Also, here is a link to an article on his visit to Tewkesbury Museum in 2006.

History of the Cenotaph

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A short history of the Cenotaph by the Imperial War Museum.

A Trip on the Mill Avon in the 1960s

Home movie courtesy of Kevin Nickson [poor quality video]. 

Healings Mill

The Victorian Society has announced the top ten buildings worthy of saving. Healings Mill is on the list - full details here.

Stone Stiles Project

Attached is a PDF detailing a project being run by Peter Wilson. If you would like to get involved, contact Peter via this email

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