by Wendy Snarey

(31) Lease and Release – Esther Fluck to William Heath – 18th October 1791

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On Cover: Lease and Release – Esther Fluck to William Heath – 18th October 1791


Indenture dated 18th October 1791 between:-

  1. Esther Fluke of Tewkesbury widow of John Fluke [sic] Fluck? of Tewkesbury innholder deceased and one of the devisees in his last Will and Testament and Isaac Fluke of the City of Worcester cabinet maker and son of said John Fluke deceased by Esther Fluke and another devisee in his last Will and Testament
  2. William Heath of Tewkesbury cordwainer

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Witness that for £172 paid to Esther Fluke and Isaac Fluke they have granted:-

ALL THAT MESSUAGE in High Street formerly in possession of Richard Bubb; John Peace baker; Sarah Granchew; Joseph Heath; William Probert but now of William Gardiner stonemason as tenant having Messuage heretofore in occupation of Nutt Kedwards then belonging to John Bush esq but now the property of Thomas Woollams gent and in the occupation of Mr [blank] Kingsbury on north – and Messuage formerly in possession of William Smith butcher after of John Kingdon and now the property of Samuel Wilkins and in the occupation of Mr [blank] Williams toyman on south.

All which released Messuage were formerly the estate and inheritance of Daniel Insoll afterwards of George Hawkins since of Richard Insoll the younger who sold to use of John Fluke deceased by indenture dated 21st/22nd April 1778

To have and to hold to William Heath

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