(11) 1763 – Lease and Release – John Wintle to Robert Smith
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1763: Indentures of Lease and Release dated 20th and 21st September 1763 between:-
- John Wintle of Tewkesbury gent – cousin and heir at law of Hester Fitz Edwards late of Tewkesbury widow who was only child and heir at law of her late mother Hester Mann late of Tewkesbury deceased
- Robert Smith of Tewkesbury whitesmith
Whereas by Indentures of Lease and Release dated 22nd / 23rd September 1736 between Thomas Mason and Arnold Russell the said Thomas Mason did grant ALL THOSE MESSUAGES in High Street in possession of John Baxter and said Robert Smith and late in occupation of said Robert Smith and Mary Probert and now of Robert Smith and Mrs Ann Fowke – Having Messuage called “The Anchor” on South side and Messuage of Joseph Peace baker on North side
And Whereas by Indentures of Lease and Release dated 2nd / 3rd December 1743 between
Arnold Russel and Thomas mason and Hester Mann [since deceased] – said Arnold Russell transferred mortgage to Hester Mann subject to payment of £150 + interest
And Whereas said Robert Smith hath contracted for absolute sale for £220 and by indentures of
Lease and Release dated 15th / 16th August 1750 Thomas Mason conveyed premises to Robert Smith;
Rev Penry Jones and Henry Whitaker as executors of Hester Mann received £175 to them in discharge of mortgage.
[This sum should have paid to Hester Fitz Edwards but she is deceased so her heir – John Wintle – releases the property.]
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