Transcribed by Wendy Snarey, 2012

(9) 1750 - Lease and Release - Rev Penry Jones and Henry Whitaker and Thomas Mason to Robert Smith

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1750: Indenture of Lease dated 15th August 1750 between:-

  1. Rev Penry Jones of Tewkesbury M.A. And Henry Whitaker of Tewkesbury executors of the Will of Hester Mann late of Tewkesbury deceased
  2. Thomas Mason late of Tewkesbury and now of Hereford
  3. Robert Smith of Tewkesbury whitesmith

Agrees to Lease for a year of all those 2 Messuages in High Street occupation of Robert Smith and Mary Probert

1750: Indenture of Release in 3 parts dated 16th August 1750 between:-

  1. Rev Penry Jones of Tewkesbury M.A. And Henry Whitaker of Tewkesbury executors of the Will of Hester Mann late of Tewkesbury deceased
  2. Thomas Mason late of Tewkesbury and now of Hereford
  3. Robert Smith of Tewkesbury whitesmith

Whereas by Indenture of Lease and Release dated 22nd / 23rd September 1736 between:-

  1. Said Thomas Mason
  2. Arnold Russell of Hereford gent

For £100 Thomas Mason did grant to Arnold Russell – ALL THOSE MESSUAGES in High Street als Oldbury Street and Key lane – 2 adjoining together having messuage belonging to said Thomas Mason called “The Anchor” on South side and messuage of Joseph Peace on North side and were then in possession of John Baxter and said Robert smith and now of Mary Probert and said Robert Smith AND the other 2 messuages also adjoining together having said messuage called “The Anchor” on North side and messuage of one Joseph Tyler on south side and were then in the tenure of Elizabeth Haynes and Margaret Harrison but now of Hannah Haynes and Jane Hayward - to hold to Arnold Russell forever – said indenture was by way of a mortrgage subject to redemption by Thomas Mason of £100 + interest 

AND Whereas by indenture of Lease and Release dated 2nd / 3rd December 1743 – release being a transfer of mortgage between:-

  1. said Arnold russell
  2. Thomas Mason
  3. Hester Mann

for further sum of £39-10s-0d Thomas Mason became indebted to Hester mann for £150

NOW THIS INDENTURE WITNESSETH there is now owing to Rev Penry Jones and Henry Whitaker - £175

and Thomas Mason having sold to Robert Smith the said rented messuage in the tenure of him the said Robert Smith and Mary probert [being part of the premises before mentioned] for £220 – he doth agree that £175 shall be paid by said Robert Smith to Rev Penry Jones and Henry Whitaker -

[Robert Smith has his own house and that of Mary Proberts Thomas Mason has houses of Hannah Haynes and Jane Hayward Penry Jones and Henry Whitaker have £175]

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