(7) 1736 – Mortgage – Thomas Mason to Arnold Russell
1736 – MortgageClick Image
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Indenture dated 23rd September 1736 between:-
- Thomas Mason of Tewkesbury tobacconist – only son and heir of Charles Mason late of Tewkesbury tobacconist deceased
- Arnold Russell of Hereford gent
For £100 Thomas Mason hath granted – ALL THOSE 4 SEVERAL MESSUAGES or tenements in High Street als Oldbury Street and Key Lane –
Two whereof adjoining having Messuage of said Thomas Mason called “The Anchor” on South side and Messuage of Joseph Peace on North side and were formerly in the possession of William Porter and Nicholas Fletcher and now of John Baxter and Robert Smith
The other Two also adjoining together having “The Anchor” on North side and messuage of one Joseph Tyler on South side and were formerly in possession of William Haynes and Nicholas Harrison and now of Elizabeth Haynes and Margaret Harrison -
To hold unto Arnold Russell with proviso that interest etc to be paid
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Indenture of LeaseClick Image
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