to Expand
Item: I give and bequeath to my said daughter Susanna and to her heirs forever – All that my Tenement or Dwelling House lying in the High Street in Tewkesbury aforesaid now in the several tenures of William Haswell and Sarah Woodward – to hold to my said daughter Susanna and to her heirs forever
Item: I give to my said daughter Susanna – One diamond ring
Item: I give to my said daughter Elizabeth – One Silver Dish
Item: I give to my said daughter Susanna - £10 to be paid within one year nest of my decease
Item: I give and bequeath to my said daughter Susanna (immediately after the decease of the said Elizabeth my wife) – One annuity or yearly rent charge of 50 shillings per annum during her life, issuing and payable out of the Messuage and Premises wherein I now live in Tewkesbury aforesaid at the Four most usual feast or days of payment in the year – that is to say
Feast of St Michael the Archangel The Nativity of Our Blessed Lord and Saviour The Annunciation of the Blessed Virgin Mary The Feast of St John the Baptist By even and equal payments – the first payment thereof to be made and begin on such of the feast days as shall first and next after my wife’s decease And if it shall happen default shall be made in payment for the space of 20 days next after any or either of the said days of payment then it shall be lawful for my said daughter Susanna to enter upon the Said Messuage and Premises and distrain for the same and by sale thereof shall reimburse and pay all such arrears of rent as shall be dueItem: I give and bequeath the said Messuage and Premises after the decease of my said wife, charged and chargeable as aforesaid, unto my son William Walker and his heirs forever
Item: All the rest of my goods chattels, stock in trade and leather, I give unto my said son William Walker upon condition he shall pay my debts and legacies and funeral charges and I make him sole executor of this my last Will and Testament
Signed: William Walker(4) Will of William Walker – 18th August 1714
to Expand
On Cover: My Father’s Will – William Walker
In the name of God Amen – I William Walker the elder of Tewkesbury in the County of Gloucester cordwainer being well in body and of a sound and disposing mind and memory, praised be to God for the same do make this my last Will and Testament 18th August 1714 in manner and form following, that is to say:-First I commit my soul into the hands of Almighty God my maker hoping through the merit of Jesus Christ my blessed Saviour and Redeemer to receive free pardon and forgiveness for all my sins and my body I commit to the earth to be decently buried according to the discretion of my executor hereinafter named
And for my worldly estate I dispose thereof as follows:-
Item: I give and bequeath unto Elizabeth my loving wife – My bed in the Forestreet chamber, with the bedstead, curtains and valence and all other things belonging to the bed; 2 dishes of pewter; one kettle and one pot; a round table in the middle chamber and 2 pairs of sheets – to hold to her for the term of her life and no longerItem: I give and bequeath to Elizabeth Walker the sum of £20 to be paid to her within 1 year next after my decease