Tewkesbury Cricket Club
The photograph shows the author of the following article and captain of Tewkesbury CC, the late Cliff Burd, third in from the right holding base of the cup. Others are, numbered from the left: 1. Tony Collins 2. Maurice Sollis 3. Brian ...

With most of the following football photographs you can click on the image to see a larger version and see names and commentary.
From the Tewkesbury Register newspaper 30 September 1905 TEWKESBURY HOCKEY CLUB, Tuesday evening last a special meeting of the members of the Hockey Club was held at headquarters (the Hop-Pole Royal Hotel), to consider the resignation of ...

Tewkesbury Races
Most of what follows is from an article published in THS Bulletin 14 [2005] 'The Tewkesbury Races' by Derek Benson. The Bulletin article was shortlisted for the county Jerrard Award . The author has added further information to this version of ...
[Summarised from the Tewkesbury Register by Wendy Snarey]
October 8th 1881: A Football Club for Tewkesbury We are pleased to hear that, under the leadership of Mr T.F. Cottam and other gentlemen, ...