(63) Supplemental Abstract of Title – Godsell & Sons to Baker – Frank Treasure solicitor - 1918

Supplemental Abstract of Title Godsell & Sons to Baker
7th June 1906 – By Indenture of this date between:-
- George William Godsell James Uriah Godsell and Edward Samuel Godsell all of Salmon Springs Brewery near Stroud brewers (thereinafter called the Vendors)
- Kate Sarah Godsell of Salmon House Stroud spinster
- Mary Hannah Godsell of Salmon House aforesaid spinster
- Evelyn Eliza Taylor the wife of George Taylor of Cranfield Park Hounslow Middlesex farmer
- Godsell & Sons Ltd whose registered office was situated at Salmon Springs Brewery aforesaid (thereinafter called The Company)
After reciting (inter alia) that the Vendors were seized of the hereditaments specified in the Fourth Schedule thereunto written as to such parts thereof as were of Freehold Tenure in Fee Simple and as to other such parts thereof not the subject of this extract as therein mentioned
And reciting that by an Agreement in writing dated 13th July 1905 and expressed to be made between:
- The Vendors
- The Company
It was agreed that the Vendors should sell and the Company should purchase, amongst other things – Al the Freehold and Copyhold Hereditaments respectively specified in the 1st and 2nd Schedules as thereunder written such two several Schedules comprising the hereditaments mentioned and specified in the 1st, 2nd, 3rd, 4th, 5th Schedules thereunder written subject nevertheless as to certain Mortgages and Charges therein set forth not affecting the hereditaments the subject of this Abstract
And it was thereby also agreed that part of the consideration for the said Sale should be the issue to the Vendors or to such persons as they should direct of certain debentures therein specified
And Reciting that in pursuance of the said Contract certain sums of money had been credited to the Vendors and other persons therein mentioned and that y an Indenture then already prepared and intended to bear even date with and to be executed immediately after the execution of the now abstracting presents the Company would enter into the Covenants by the said recited Agreement agreed to be entered into for indemnifying the Vendors from or against all the debts and liabilities of the Vendors in the said Agreement more particularly mentioned and referred to as therein mentioned
It was witnessed that in consideration of the premises the Vendors as beneficial Owner did thereby convey to the Company
All such and such parts of all and singular the hereditaments and premises the particulars whereof were specified in the 1st, 2nd, 4th, 5th Schedules thereunder written as were of Freehold Tenure
To hold the same unto and to the use of the Company in fee simple subject nevertheless as therein mentioned so far as concerned mortgages which did not affect the hereditaments the subject of this Abstract and subject also to all rights of way and other rights and easements if any to which the same were then subject as therein mentioned
Several Covenants by the Vendors with the company for payment off of certain mortgage debts etc which did not affect the hereditaments subject of this Abstract
The Fourth Schedule referred to in the above Indenture
No. 26 13th July 1897 Indenture made between:
- Francis Jelleyman
- Francis Jelleyman
- Said George William Godsell, James Uriah Godsell, Thomas Henry Godsell and Edward Samuel Godsell
All that Front Messuage or Licensed Beer house and the Premises thereto belonging situate in High Street Tewkesbury and commonly called or known as The New Inn formerly in the occupation of Joseph James Briginshaw
Duly executed and attested