World War II

by by John Dixon

Even though the government moved the May Day Bank Holiday away from the usual Monday so we could commemorate VE75 on 8 May, all public commemorations are now impossible.

THS, however, wishes to remember all those from Tewkesbury who lost their lives in this war but, the ‘silver lining’ may be that we can split the Victory Commemorations in two parts and give more prominence to VJ Day on 15 August 2020 when the public might themselves have been “liberated”.  Thus, VJ Day has always been of secondary importance to the public: this is partly why those who continued after May to fight the Japanese dubbed it the “Forgotten War”.

Roll of Honour for World War II

The names of in the Tewkesbury district those who fought and died in World War II and honoured at the Cross Memorial.

In addition and after further research addition names were added to the Tewkesbury War Memorial for Armed Forces Day 2018

History of the European War

"Never has so much been owed..." - A commemoration of those from Tewkesbury and district who lost their lives during the Second World War, 1939-1945, by John Dixon.  Some paper copies are still available for purchase in our shop or click on the PDF symbol to read it here.

Biographies of the Fallen

* Names Added to the War Memorial in 2018
* Names not displayed on Tewkesbury Memorial because displayed elsewhere
* Those killed fighting the Japanese who will feature on VJ75 in August 2020
Allen, Robert EdwardSergeantRAFTwyning12-May-1943
Allen, Alfred HenryTrooperArmyTewkesbury30-Jun-1944
Andrews, Adolphus H.*PrivateArmyApperley15-Feb-1942
Ashton, Francis H. J.Petty OfficerRAF(VR)Tewkesbury31-May-1942
Banfield, EdgarC.P.O.NavyApperley22-Apr-1940
Barrett, Leslie P.PrivateArmyTewkesbury28-Jun-1944
Bartlett, Ronald W. E.*GunnerArmyTewkesbury01-Jan-1942
Bassett, Jack*SapperArmyTewkesbury27-Sep-1943
Beale, DonaldSergeantRAF(VR)Tewkesbury13-Oct-1941
Bernard, Ronald P. St. V.ColonelArmyTwyning25-Jan-1943
Bishop, Alfred JohnDriverArmyTewkesbury17-Aug-1944
Booth, WilliamGunnerArmyTewkesbury29-Oct-1942
Bostok, John Leslie SergeantArmyTewkesbury17-Mar-1941
Bowers, Reginald H.SergeantRAF(VR)Twyning11-Aug-1943
Brierley, Dora ElsieA.C.W.2WAAFForthampton26-Feb-1942
Cash, John Charles*PrivatearmyTewkesbury24-Oct-1942
Clapham, Walter GeorgeSapperArmyTewkesbury30-May-1940
Clifford, William HenryL.A.C.RAF(VR)Apperley03-Aug-1943
Collett, Ronald Ernest*PrivateArmyTewkesbury01-Mar-1941
Davis, Edwin JohnLance CorporalArmyTwyning01-Jul-1944
Davis, Florence*Mrs.CivilianTewkesbury05-Aug-1944
Dee, Barbara MaryA.C.W.2WAAFTewkesbury03-Aug-1942
Dickenson , Reginald G.A.B.NavyTewkesbury07-May-1944
Dudley, HubertMr.CivilianTewkesbury18-Jun-1944
Ellis, Frank HenryPetty OfficerRAF(VR)Tewkesbury18-Sep-1942
Gough, C. H. C.LieutenantNavyTewkesbury28-Mar-1942
Gregson, George W.A.C.1RAF(VR)Tewkesbury28-Nov-1942
Gyngell, Herbert F. E.Petty OfficerNavyTewkesbury17-Jan-1942
Halling, Arthur SamuelSergeantarmyTewkesbury31-Aug-1940
Hanlon, Arthur*SergeantArmyTewkesbury21-Nov-1942
Hannis, Albert HenryPetty OfficerNavyApperley23-May-1941
Hannis, Albert HenryPetty OfficerNavyTwyning23-May-1941
Hargraves, Harold LeslieTrooperArmyTredington28-Oct-1942
Hawker, Arthur William*L/Cpl.ArmyApperley05-May-1944
Haynes, Reginald R. T.PrivateArmyTewkesbury29-May-1940
Hemming, Charles Donald*PrivateArmyForthampton20-Dec-1943
Hopton, John EdwardGunnerArmyTwyning14-Nov-1942
Howes, Alec JackA.B.NavyTewkesbury03-Mar-1943
Hunt, Edward SamuelSergeantRAFTewkesbury14-Jul-1942
Hyett, EdwardF/ORAF(VR)Tewkesbury28-Aug-1943
Jenkins, Francis JohnCorporalArmyTewkesbury04-Jul-1945
Key, Clarence F. PrivateArmyTewkesbury02-Jul-1944
Key, Frederick L.*BombadierArmyTewkesbury03-Jun-1943
Long, Donald G.Squadron LeaderRAF(VR)Twyning31-Jan-1943
Longueville, Reginald F.LieutenantArmyForthampton12-Oct-1944
Mackie, Ian*Sub-Lt.NavyTewkesbury17-Feb-1945
Martin, Alexander G.*PrivateArmyTewkesbury29-Nov-1943
Moore, Lewis DanielA.C.1RAF(VR)Tewkesbury02-Jul-1943
Morris, Edward Henry*LieutenantArmyTwyning09-Apr-1946
Nash, Kenneth S.A.B.NavyTewkesbury22-May-1941
Osborne, Lionel H. J.*PrivateArmyTewkesbury19-Mar-1942
Page, Edward WilliamSergeantRAF(VR)Tewkesbury18-Dec-1944
Parker, Alfred JohnTrooperArmyTewkesbury13-Dec-1940
Portlock, Walter E.*SapperArmyTewkesbury15-Nov-1941
Ricketts, Harry O. D.CaptainArmyTewkesbury22-Dec-1943
Ryland, Cecil*PrivateArmyTewkesbury03-Jul-1943
Salmon, Hugh T. B.MshmanNavyApperley25-Nov-1941
Savins, George AlbertPrivateArmyApperley19-Jul-1944
Shephard, William J. H.*Captain MajorArmyTewkesbury17-Jan-1944
Strickland, Algernon GuySergeantRAF(VR)Apperley09-May-1942
Turberville, Victor GeorgeL/Sgt.ArmyTewkesbury14-Mar-1945
Walker, Cyril ThomasSapperArmyTewkesbury14-Sep-1942
Watson, EdgarL/Sgt.ArmyForthampton18-Jun-1944
Wigan, Christopher F.CaptainArmyTwyning15-Jul-1943
Bulletin articles filed under War-1939-45
Polish Refugees in TewkesburyDebbie DeanBulletin No 1 (1992)
The Americans at AshchurchBill RennisonBulletin No 2 (1993)
Reminiscences of an Evacuee during the Second World WarAnita RedmanBulletin No 2 (1993)
Tewkesbury in the Second World WarJohn DixonBulletin No 3 (1994)
Beloved Mother : An Airman Writes HomeJohn MooreBulletin No 4 (1995)
Somewhere in EnglandJohn DixonBulletin No 4 (1995)
D-Day Four Years AfterJohn MooreBulletin No 5 (1996)
Somewhere in England, Part 2John DixonBulletin No 5 (1996)
Escape to FreedomKostek MichalukBulletin No 5 (1996)
Three War PoemsJohn MooreBulletin No 6 (1997)
Fortress TewkesburyBryan LinnellBulletin No 7 (1998)
The P.R.A. LadiesKathleen HallBulletin No 8 (1999)
Parkfield School at Twyning Manor during World War IIJanet DevereuxBulletin No 11 (2002)
Tewkesbury’s Own D-Day HeroJohn DixonBulletin No 14 (2005)
The Unfought Battle of TewkesburyMick Wilks (JS)Bulletin No 19 (2010)
The Evacuee - Becoming a Tewkesburian - via CheltenhamGordon H. BakerBulletin No 19 (2010)
Home Guard (Part 1: 1940-1941)Mick Wilks (W)Bulletin No 20 (2011)
T’bury Home Guard (Part 2: 1941-44)Mick Wilks (W)Bulletin No 21 (2012)
Memories of a German Prisoner of War at TewkesburyJoachim SchulzeBulletin No 21 (2012)
SS TewkesburyKevin WillisBulletin No 22 (2013)
Pawlo Kostiuk’s StoryAlan SnareyBulletin No 22 (2013)
I.. Hollingsbee - ‘Inside the Wire’THS ReviewBulletin No 24 (2015)
My Father - Warrior’s ReturnMike Kean-PriceBulletin No 25 (2016)
Gordon Baker’s 2nd Evacuation, 1940-1942John DixonBulletin No 26 (2017)
Memories of an Evacuee ‘s Childhood in TewkesburyAnita RedmanBulletin No 26 (2017)
"Art For Life's Sake"Liz O'SullivanBulletin No 28 (2019)


Wednesday 29-May-2024   by: Tom Britton
I have a commemorative silver spoon, which appears to have been presented to Dr. W. Hopper Shephard,in 1932.
It has a plaque attached to it featuring on one side, q golfer, and writing on the other side:
"1932 Dr.W.Hopper Shephard Sheerness Dockyard".
I would be very interested in any information, and if anyone is interested in the spoon then please get in touch,
respectfully, Tom Britton

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