News and events from 2023
Jerrard Award
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We were delighted to learn that Sam Eedle, THS Chairman, has been awarded the prestigious county prize by the Gloucestershire Local History Association – and for the second time! This time it was for his article in Bulletin 31, entitled the ‘School Mistress and the Cross’, concerning a Tewkesbury connected war widow, Rose Roberts, nee Jeffery. I commend members to follow my example and read it again – when I edited it, I knew it would be a very strong Jerrard contender. The Chairman, Dr Steven Blake, commended it for fulfilling all five of its criteria for the quality of its research, writing and presentation [by Rick Talbot]. Runner up was Chris Sullivan for ‘Charles Bathurst saves Lydney Dog and finds God’.
War Graves Week
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September 2023 Meeting
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20 April 2023 Meeting
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Aspects of Hidden Tewkesbury
The Significant work of a Member's Daughter
Tewkesbury Workhouse
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'Image Fees' Scrapped
There's an important development after a recent Court of Appeal ruling and it is Good News for historians and art historians (and art lovers generally). Those of us who've had to pay image fees will know the system relies on museums claiming copyright in their photos - irrespective of whether the art they're photographing is itself in copyright. (In the UK, copyright lasts for 70 years after the death of the artist).Lionel Perry
May 2023 Meeting & Woodard Award
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Gloucester History Festival
Secret Tewkesbury
David Elder will be visiting Alison's Bookshop to sign copies of his new book “Secret Tewkesbury” on Saturday 22nd July from 11.00am to 13.00pm.
John Dixon has read this very informative, well-written and, at times, amusing book which reveals much of the Town's main historical events from a different perspective. Not only is David an engaging writer but he is also a superb photographer: his revelation of Abbey Misericords is a masterpiece.
Views of England and Wales
A digitised collection of regional images has been added to the University of Leicester’s Special Collections Online. 'Views of England and Wales' contains more than 2,000 topographic prints, drawings, paintings and photographs, mostly from the 18th and 19th centuries. The originals are held at the university’s Centre for Regional and Local History. The digital images are all available free under a Creative Commons licence. The collection can be freely viewed via [Tewkesbury material relates mainly to the Abbey]
War Graves in Tewkesbury Cemetery
March 2023 Meeting
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February Meeting
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THS Social Evening 2023
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Bulletin 32
Aspects of Hidden Tewkesbury
Armed Forces Day
Saturday 24 June this year is Armed Forces Day. Rod Gurney is seeking interest in attending a Thanksgiving Service on Sunday, 25 June at Tewkesbury Methodist Church commencing at 3pm. If you are interested in attending, please reply to Rod directly: Rod will then be able to gauge whether there is sufficient support to organise the event.