Church Street

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This stunning view of the town, as seen from the very top of the tower of Tewkesbury Abbey, was taken in 1936 as part of the publicity for the appeal to raise funds for the restoration of the tower. The man on the ladder is is Jack Day, one of the builders who played a major part in the work. Sadly, a few years later Mr Day was working on a lower scaffold when he fell and lost his life. the white building in the distance is the Sabrina cinema, just bult that year.- Cliff Burd

Taken 7 April 1953 by Ben Brooksbank
Taken 7 April 1953 by Ben Brooksbank

86 Church Street

This house is a Georgian building and is about eight feet wide.  The 1801 Tewkesbury Poor Book states a Joseph Bishop lived here paying £5 10s rent and 5s 6d rates. From 1851 is was the home of boot-makers, first mentioned was Thomas ...

91-92 Church Street - The Old Curiosity Shop

Tourism in Tewkesbury clearly benefits from the buildings featured in the novels of Charles Dickens , Mrs. Craik and John Moore‘s ‘Brensham Trilogy ', based on Tewkesbury and the surrounding area. Researchers, however, can only ...

89-90 Church Street and the Vaulted Cellar Beneath

This article was original published inside the larger article about 91-92 Church Street - The Old Curiosity Shop Permission was obtained from the owners of Elizabethan Pine to carry out ...

82-83 Church Street

An exceptionally fine and well-preserved medieval town house. Pair of houses in row. Late C15 or early C16. Late C16/17 rear wing, extended late C18/C19. Close studded framing with plaster infill to front, heavy box framing ...

The Old Hat Shop

The Hat Shop in Church Street, one of the old houses in Tewkesbury which has often been drawn and photographed, is older than it seems. On the street front it is apparently a later seventeenth century timber-framed building. At the side, over the archway ...

66 Church Street

"This is a Grade II listed building and includes No. 36 St. Mary's Lane. It is a mid-16th century timber framed building, tension braced with plaster panels. The first floor is jettied and it has a steep tiled roof with gable ends. There are two ...

74 Church Street

From Linnell :  Listed Grade II 18th century stuccoed brick front with parapet to timber frame. 3 storeys. 1 window, sashes in exposed moulded cases, no glazing bars. Brick chimney rising from parapet on left. Early 18th century ...

Berkeley Arms, 8 Church Street

Probably one of the most well known and well liked pubs in Tewkesbury (website, it has a low key atmosphere good for conversations. Speciality food are very good pies. There are two ...

The Old Baptist Chapel

Starting life in the fifteenth century as a medieval house, it was a roomy dwelling for an affluent Tewkesbury family. It is thought that by the mid-seventeenth century, the house had become the location for a Nonconformist group, the Baptists, to hold ...

The Old Baptist Chapel

For a history of the Baptist Church in Tewkesbury and it's influence on the wider world, read Jonathan Smalley's article

18 Church Street, The Chequers Inn

In 1832, William Bubb wrote his will. He left his house, at the sign of the King’s Arms, occupied by Thomas Buckley , to his wife. A later document identifies this building, and plot extending to the Swilgate, as 18, Church Street. At some ...

St Mary's Lane

St Marys lane runs round the back of Church Street on the north side. It formed an access link between the backs of properties on Church Street and the buildings adjacent to the river Avon. In medieval times this was the core of ...