Floods and Freezes
A List of Floods
Having investigated the 1947 flood, Derek Round was intrigued to find out more about other floods in History.[l] One valuable source is James Bennett, the Tewkesbury Historian, who gives valuable anecdotal evidence and the results of his own ...
The Great Flood of 1947
In the winter of 1946/47 heavy snowstorms and sub-zero temperatures, combined with a serious fuel shortage, caused chaos and brought Britain to its knees. Because of 20ft snowdrifts, coal trains failed to get through to power stations. These appalling ...
The Great Freeze of 1890-91
In the year of 1990 I was asked if I would like to go to a party given by Doug Booth , who was born in Tewkesbury and who lives in Union Place. I had never met him before and, at this time he had taken to his bed, because of bad health. He showed ...

Horses Rescued From The Extraordinary Flood of 1924
Taken in 1906 off the Beaufort Bridge, looking down the old Avon towards Healings Mill, the left-hand side is King Johns Island; further on is the Lockkeeper’s bungalow. As far as I know, Mr. Bathurst had three steam boats moored at this time; it is ...