News and events from 2024
THS Social Evening
The Spread!Click Image
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John Dixon
Talk by John Dixon at the Baptist Church, Station Road, Tuesday 20th February 7:00pm.
Aspects of Hidden Tewkesbury
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April 2024 Meeting
Michael TrottClick Image
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You can read a review by John Dixon of Michael's book by clicking on 'Read More'.
February Meeting
Kat KeldeenClick Image
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John Dixon
Joan Smith
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We have learned, sadly, of the death of Mrs. Joan Smith, late of the Maltings, who volunteered to use her secretarial experience to type up information for the Woodard Database. If you search for “Joan Smith” in the database, you will find her work, especially on the Tewkesbury Register. She fell ill with pneumonia in early December and died in Tewkesbury Hospital on 22 January 2024 – her daughter is very impressed with the care she received there and asks that any donation in her honour be made in favour of our Hospital. Her funeral is on Friday, 9 February 2024 at the Willow Chapel, Crematorium, followed, at 14.00, by the Bell Hotel.
I met Joan after her son, David, volunteered to use his computer skills to produce the exhaustive Burial Records, which we maintain on the website and were on the DVD rom which accompanied our History of the Tewkesbury Cemetery.
THS thus passes on our condolences to the family of this reliable volunteer over so many years.
Bishops Walk Plaque
Plaque UnveilingClick Image
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Photograph left to right: John Dixon (THS), Angela Devereux (John Moore Society), Maureen Turland (Civic Society), Alan Purkiss (Civic Society).
May 2024 Meeting - THS Annual General Meeting
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Sir George Dowty
Event at Pershore Abbey to commemorate Sir George Dowty and will include visiting the newly erected statue of him. Full Details.GLHA Local History Day 2024
Gloucestershire Local History Association Local History Day was held on Saturday July 27th 2024. At the Graze building at Hartpury University, Gloucester.The event was very successful and was attended by 92 people. Thanks to the two speakers, Maureen Anderson and Steve Blake, and to the 17 groups (including THS) who brought displays - which were much admired by all. Also thanks to all the volunteer helpers who helped to make the Day go smoothly.
The Society was represented on the day by our Chairman, Sam Eedle.
80th Anniversary of D-Day
The members of Tewkesbury Branch of The Royal British Legion wish to extend an invitation to members of the Tewkesbury Historical Society to attend a service of Commemoration and Thanksgiving for the above anniversary.
This will be held at Tewkesbury Methodist Church on Sunday 9th June commencing at 3pm, with any attendees requested to be seated in the church by 2.45pm.
The service will be followed by a short Act of Remembrance at The Cross War Memorial to remember those who gave the ultimate sacrifice during Operation Overlord.
To assist with seating at the church, could any attendees please email me as soon as possible.
Rod Gurney, Honorary Vice-Chairman, Tewkesbury Branch, The Royal British Legion.
Hazel Crisp