29 High Street

The site was demolished around 1970 and the new building was built on the site of the houses in these documents and became Lipton's Supermarket. Afterwards the site was split and two shops (Freeman Hardy & Willis shoes and Peacocks) were sited there. Today (2019) it is “Shoezone” and “Coffee#1”
The Property which is no. 29 High Street today begins in 1687 with Popham Gardyner of Bedwardine Worcester gentleman and Margery his wife selling to with William Walker the younger of Tewkesbury cordwainer for £42
All that one Messuage or
Tenement or Half Burgage wherein Nathaniel Layt doth now inhabit with the
Court, Garden and Appurtenances thereto belonging situated lying and being in
Tewkesbury in or near a street called the High Street alias the Oldbury Street
The Messuage or Tenement now
in the occupation of William Walker the elder on the North Side
The Messuage or Tenement now
in the occupation of John Lane joyner on the South Side
And extendeth itself in
length from the street on the forepart unto the land of Sir Francis Russell
baronet and now in possession of the Poor Almspeople on the hinder part
A special condition was the “Free ingress, egress regress at all times to the Pump or Well situate in the backside of the Tenement on the South Side of the hereby bargained and sold premises to take, bear and carry away water from time to time and at all times hereafter.”
The house on the South side had also belonged to Popham Gardyner who had sold this to Joseph Reekes for £36 in 1665 – reserving the right for his next door house to use the pump
In 1714 William Walker devised his house to his wife for life and afterwards to his son William but charged with an annuity of 50 shillings per annum to his daughter Susanna
In 1741 William Walker mortgages the house to William Spilman of Upper Mitton for £12 and
In 1743 transfers this mortgage to John Goddard of Bredon baker and borrows a further £28 making £40 in total
1744 the mortgage is again transferred to William Godsall tanner borrowing a further £20
In 1747 William Godsall died and by 1748 his widow Elizabeth his executrix requests the repayment of the £67-10s-0d now owing. William Walker prevails on John Peace baker to pay her and also borrows a further £2-10s-0d thus making the debt to John Peace £70 and interest
In 1750 William Walker and his wife Sarah make a Feoffment of the Messuage and Premises to Joseph Smith a stocking framework knitter in consideration of an annuity of £3-10s-0d for the life of William Walker This Feoffment is made with the exception of
“the rents and services due and payable to the Chief Lord of Lords of the fee or fees of the said premises for and in respect of his or their Seigniory or Seigniorys and the Chief Rent of 4½d payable to Minister of Tewkesbury for time being
And also one Indenture of 3 parts dated 12th September 1748 between
- Elizabeth Godsell of Tewkesbury widow and executor of William Godsell late of Tewkesbury tanner deceased
- William Walker
- Joseph Peace of Tewksbury baker
Granted remainder of term of 1000 years for securing payment of £70 and interest only excepted and foreprized”
In 1769 - Joseph Smith borrows £80 from Robert Smith and in default of repayment sets over to him the property for the residue of the 1000 years
1772 – Will of Joseph Smith devises the house and premises [amongst other things] to Brother Robert Smith on trust to pay mortgage and allow his wife to receive residue for life and afterwards for his niece Elizabeth Price wife of Joseph Price of Hereford
By 1773 Joseph’s wife Sarah Smith has died and Elizabeth Price who had inherited the Messuage sells the property to Robert Smith for £150 but as she has also inherited the £80 mortgage on it he deducts that paying her £70 and keeping the £80 to pay off mortgage she agrees to the residue of the term of 1000 years to be set over to William Lambert in trust for Robert Smith to wait upon the inheritance
Messuage then described as –
All that Messuage or Tenement
or Half Burgage thentofore in the occupation of William Walker cordwainer but
then of the said Joseph Smith with the garden backside thereunto adjoining and
belonging situate lying and being in the High Street otherwise the Oldbury
Street having
A Messuage or Tenement then
in the tenure of John Kingsbury on the North side
A Messuage or Tenement then
or late in the tenure of Joseph Heath on the South side thereof
Extending itself in length
from the said Street on the forepart to the land formerly of Sir Francis
Russell Baronet then belonging to the Poor of Tewkesbury on the hinder part
Robert Smith owns it until his death in 1793 when he leaves [amongst other things] the Messuage in High Street then in the tenure of William Morgan to his niece Elizabeth Smith
Elizabeth Smith marries Thomas Elliott
In 1841 Elizabeth Elliott dies and devises her house to her cousin Joseph Smith
In 1848 – Joseph Smith borrowed £1000 with interest at 5% from Rev Samuel Ellis Garrard of Dumbleton with a proviso for redemption if repayment made
In 1857 – this mortgage was transferred to Benjamin Perks Procter farmer of Inkberrow at 4½% interest
In 1858 – Joseph Smith requests and is allowed to overdraw his account with the Gloucestershire Banking Company thus having a second charge on the property
Default was made in payment and the property was auctioned at Swan Hotel on 7th August 1858 – Thomas Applebee was purchaser at £110 but agreed to relinquish in favour of George Hayward now described as:
All that Messuage or Tenement (now used as a Shop)
situate in High Street Tewkesbury with the yard detached back kitchen and
workshop over the same and other
buildings and premises formerly in the occupation of William Morgan afterwards
of James Kingsbury then of John Garrison but now of Charles Skey tinman as tenant
A Messuage or Tenement formerly belonging to Thomas
Woollams and now of George Smith bell hanger on South
Messuage or Tenement formerly in the occupation of
William Brooking but now of Henry Sheppard on North
Extending from the High Street on the front part to a
passage leading from Smiths Lane at the back part thereof
George Hayward died in 1859 and his Will bequeathed the rents and issues to his wife Ann for life and afterwards to he devised the premises to his daughter Eleanor Mary Gillman [in said Will called Ellen Mary]
Ann Hayward died in 9th May 1879 and the Messuage and Premises being no. 29 High Street was auctioned at the Kings Head on 8th July where the tenant Thomas Raynsford became highest bidder at £225
Census Data 1841-1891
- *30/10/1897: Eliza Raynsford, beloved wife of Sgt. Thomas Raynsford of Grenadier Guards, aged 70. (TREG 6/11/1897)Death: Sergeant Thomas Raynsford, age 86. Veteran of Crimean War, served with Grenadier Guards TREG 17/06/1905 p4/4