Orchard Court - on the edge of the borough

by Steve Goodchild
Location in 1884

Orchard Court isn’t a conventional alley. For many years, it formed part of the boundary of the borough, and appears to have once been a road towards Gloucester which by-passed the town centre. It joined Saffron Road, which aligns to the Iron Bridge and a path to the south. John Rogers, alley historian, remembers it as a country lane in the nineteenth century, with green hedges on either side. It is named for the large orchard which once occupied the hospital and surgery site. There was a stile at the bottom of the lane until 1901. In 1866 two lads, Henry Brown and Charles Oakey, were fined 1s (5p) each for smearing filth on the stile, but as their parents couldn’t afford to pay they were given a week’s hard labour instead.

In 1841 there were nine occupied dwellings in the court, housing forty-six people. These reduced by stages. By 1900, it had reduced to seven, through the conversion of four houses to two. At the end of 1937, the court was included in the slum clearance schedule. Only three dwellings were targeted. All at the lower, southern, end of the court. They were demolished in 1939, leaving the four that are there today. 

The first public sewers in Tewkesbury, laid in the 1860s, ran through Orchard Court, which was the widest route from the town centre, to run alongside the Swilgate to Lower Lode Lane.

Orchard Court in Barton Street today
Orchard Court in Barton Street todayClick Image
 to Expand

For some fifty years, in the middle of the nineteenth century, three generations of the Cooper and Cull family ran a school from the court. In 1880, when Alfred Cull took over from his sister Cecelia, he advertised it as a ‘Boys Middle Class School’.

Orchard Court’s best remembered resident, though, must be Granny Key; Nurse Rosa Key, who was the town’s midwife, delivering well over 600 babies. The last was during the war, when she was eighty years old.

At the end of the nineteenth century, Mr Papps, draper, had a house built in his orchard, which was entered by a gate in Orchard Court. This brought a great deal of activity to the court, with garden parties and, when Mr Willis, baker, bought the house it became home to the Orchard Court Tennis Club.

Vincent Yorke, president of the Hospital, bought Orchard House, as a site for the town’s new hospital. After a period of fundraising, including the 1931 pageant, work was able to start in 1934, preceded on 13th October by a foundation stone being laid by Princess Alice, Countess of Athlone and granddaughter of Queen Victoria. The gates from Orchard Court were opened for visitors, which was probably the busiest day of the court’s long existence.

In 1945, as Prior’s Park was being extended, a proposal to build a road through Orchard Court, to join Queens Road was very seriously considered but eventually rejected in favour of Oldfield and Link Road. The court was saved because of concern about disruption to the hospital. A path from the Court to Prior’s Park was created, though, with a footbridge, designed to provide a route above the floods. This was the recently demolished ‘Legion’ bridge.

A very different history to that of the town centre alleys, but an interesting and important one nevertheless.

Census Data 1841-1891

Orchard Court
1841 Ref- HO107/380/5
Henry? White; Male; 35; Hosier; Born In Gloucestershire.
#Eliza White; Female; 20; Born In Gloucestershire#.
Eliza White; Female; 2; Born In Gloucestershire.
Sarah White; Female; 2months; Born In Gloucestershire.
John Browitt; Male; 21; Gardener; Born In Gloucestershire.
Ann Wilton; Female; 15; Servant; Born In Gloucestershire.
Martha Fleet (or Fluck); Female; 20; Servant; Born In Gloucestershire.
  • Eliza Browett; John Browett;
Orchard Court
1841 Ref- HO107/380/5
Mary Baker (or Parker?); Female; 43; Domestic; Born In Gloucestershire.*
James Baker; Male; 20; Brick Maker; Born In Gloucestershire.
William Baker; Male; Age Unclear; Labourer; Born In Gloucestershire.
Eliza Baker; Female; 14; Lace Mender; Born In Gloucestershire.
Harriett Baker; Female; 12; Lace Mender; Born In Gloucestershire.
Ann Baker; Female; 10; Born In Gloucestershire.
  • * The Number 400 Is Written By This Record
Orchard Court
1841 Ref- HO107/380/5
William Huntley; Male; 70; Milk Seller?; Born In Gloucestershire.
James Meadows; Male; 30; Agricultural Labourer; Born In Gloucestershire.
Jane Meadows; Female; 25; Born In Gloucestershire.
Ann Meadows; Female; 2; Born In Gloucestershire.
Mary Meadows; Female; 2months; Born In Gloucestershire.
Orchard Court
1841 Ref- HO107/380/5
Sarah Pittman; Female; 45; Stocking Maker; Born In Gloucestershire.
Mary (or May) Pittman; Female; 14; Seamster; Born In Gloucestershire.
Orchard Court
1841 Ref- HO107/380/5
Elizabeth Jones; Female; 45; Stocking Maker; Born In Gloucestershire.
Orchard Court
1841 Ref- HO107/380/5
Moses Harris; Male; 45; Shoemaker; Born In Gloucestershire.
Elizabeth Harris; Female; 45; Born In Gloucestershire.
Mary Harris; Female; 19?; Seamster; Born In Gloucestershire.
Ann Harris; Female; 16; Seamster; Born In Gloucestershire.
Sarah Harris; Female; 14; Seamster; Born In Gloucestershire.
Hester Harris; Female; 12?; Seamster; Born In Gloucestershire.
Charles Harris; Male; 10; Born In Gloucestershire.
John Harris; Male; 10; Born In Gloucestershire.
Elizabeth Harris; Female; 5; Born In Gloucestershire.
Orchard Court
1841 Ref- HO107/380/5
Henry Davis (or Davies); Male; 15; Stocking Maker; Born In Gloucestershire.
Mary Davis; Female; 35; Born In Gloucestershire.
William Davis; Male; 14; Born In Gloucestershire.
Samuel Davis; Male; 5; Born In Gloucestershire.
Elizabeth Davis; Female; 9; Born In Gloucestershire.
Mona Bond?; Female; 15; Stocking Maker; Born In Gloucestershire; Listed As Separate Household.
Orchard Court
1841 Ref- HO107/380/5
Judath Bany?; Female; 45; Domestic; Born In Gloucestershire.
James Bany; Male; 30; Servant; Born In Gloucestershire.
Philip Bany; Male; 25; Shoemaker; Born In Gloucestershire.
Lydia Bany; Female; 20; Stocking Maker; Born In Gloucestershire.
Orchard Court
1841 Ref- HO107/380/5
James Cooper; Male; 75; Independent; Not Born In Gloucestershire.
Maria Cooper; Female; 30?; Teacher; Not Born In Gloucestershire.
Cecilia Cooper; Female; 30; Teacher; Birthplace Not Listed.
Esther Cooper; Female; 25; Teacher; Birthplace Not Listed.
Francis Cull; Male; 8; Born In Gloucestershire.
James Cull; Male; 4; Born In Gloucestershire.
Orchard Court
1851 Ref- HO107/1974
James Yarnold; Head; Married; Male; 42; Framesmith; Born Tewkesbury Glos.
Anna Yarnold; Wife; Married; Female; 58; Framesmiths Wife; Born Northwick Glos.
John E. J. Yarnold; Son; Single; Male; 17; Stocking Maker; Born Tewkesbury Glos.
Charles C. Yarnold; Son; Single; 11; Scholar; Born Tewkesbury Glos.
James Yarnold; Grandson; Male; 2; Born Tewkesbury Glos.
  • ]
Orchard Court
1851 Ref- HO107/1974
Robert Halford; Head; Married; Male; 45; Brush Maker; Born Bristol Glos.
Mary Ann Halford; Wife; Married; Female; 43; Born Gosport Hampshire.
Lydia Halford; Daughter; Single; Female; 18; Servant; Born Bristol Glos.
William Halford; Son; Single; Male; 17; Baker; Born Bristol Glos.
Eliza Halford; Daughter; Single; Female; 15; Servant; Born Bristol Glos.
Edward Halford; Son; Single; Male; 11; Mill Boy; Born Bristol Glos.
Emma Halford; Daughter; Female; 8; Scholar; Born Tewkesbury Glos.
Ellen Halford; Daughter; Female; 6; Scholar; Born Tewkesbury Glos.
Miriam Halford; Daughter; Female; 4; Scholar; Born Tewkesbury Glos.
Harriett Halford; Daughter; Female; 4months; Born Tewkesbury Glos.
Orchard Court
1851 Ref- HO107/1974
William Craddock; Head; Married; Male; 27; Agricultural Labourer; Born Tewkesbury Glos.
Sarah Craddock; Wife; Married; Female; 23; Framework Knitter; Born Tewkesbury Glos.
George Craddock; Son; Male; 12months; Born Tewkesbury Glos.
Orchard Court
1851 Ref- HO107/1974
John Barnard; Head; Married; Male; 39; Agricultural Labourer; Born Chaceley Worcs.
Mary Barnard; Wife; Married; Female; 43; Born Worcester.
Orchard Court
1851 Ref- HO107/1974
John Chancellor; Head; Married; Male; 44; Lace Maker; Born Shepton Mallet Somersetshire.
Sarah Chancellor; Wife; Married; Female; 54; Born Hankleton(sic) Hangleton? Sussex.
Orchard Court
1851 Ref- HO107/1974
Robert Fairlam (or Fairham); Head; Married; Male; 47; Cordwainer; Born Lanchester Durham.
Mary Ann Fairlam; Wife; Married; Female; 46; Dressmaker; Born Tewkesbury Glos.
Orchard Court
1851 Ref- HO107/1974
William Collins; Head; Married; Male; 32; Bricklayer; Born Tewkesbury Glos.
Sarah Collins; Wife; Married; Female; 32; Born Tewkesbury Glos.
William Collins; Son; Male; 6; Scholar; Born Tewkesbury Glos.
Mary Bray; Sister-in-law; Single; Female; 46; Launderess; Born Tewkesbury Glos.
Eliza Daff; Lodger; Single; Female; 33; Nurse; Born Tewkesbury Glos.
Orchard Court
1851 Ref- HO107/1974
Mary Cooper; Head; Single; Female; 51; Schoolmistress; Born Kidderminster Worcs.
Cecilia Cooper; Sister; Single; Female; 46; Schoolmistress; Born Kidderminster Worcs.
John Browett; Brother-in-law; Married; Male; 30; Gardener & Dairyman; Born Tewkesbury Glos.
Esther Browett*; Wife; Married; Female; 37; Gardener & Dairyman; Born Kidderminster Worcs.
Alfred Cull; Nephew; Single; Male; 16; Pupil Teacher; Born Tewkesbury Glos.
A. R. J. W. G. Sampling; Scholar; Male; 4; Scholar; Born Lidney(sic) Lydney Glos.
Elizabeth Sampling; Scholar; Female; 5; Scholar; Born Lidney(sic) Lydney Glos.
  • *therefore born Esther Cooper. (J Dixon) Evidence that this was a school?
Orchard Court
1861 Ref-RG9/1806
William Cox; Head; Married; Male; 57; Cordwainer; Born Tewkesbury Glos.
Eliza Cox; Wife; Married; Female; 52; Boot Binder; Born Ripple Worcs.
Harriet Cox; Daughter; Single; Female; 12; Scholar; Born Tewkesbury Glos.
Frederick Prince; Nephew; Male; 4; Scholar; Born Tewkesbury Glos.
Orchard Court
1861 Ref-RG9/1806
William Woodward; Head; Married; Male; 47; Agricultural Labourer; Born Tewkesbury Glos.
Louisa Woodward; Wife; Married; Female; 37; Born Tewkesbury Glos.
James Yarnall; Son; Single; Male; 12; Born Tewkesbury Glos.
Ann Woodward; Daughter; Single; Female; 10; Scholar; Born Tewkesbury Glos.
Hannah Woodward; Daughter; Single; Female; 8; Scholar; Born Tewkesbury Glos.
William Woodward; Son; Single; Male; 7; Scholar; Born Tewkesbury Glos.
Hannah Yarnall; Boarder; Widow; Female; 64; Agricultural Trade; Born Compton Glos.
Orchard Court
1861 Ref-RG9/1806
John Yarnall; Head; Married; Male; 27; Stocking Weaver; Born Tewkesbury Glos.
Caroline Yarnall; Wife; Married; Female; 22; Stocking Weaver; Born Tewkesbury Glos.
Mary Jane Yarnall; Daughter; Female; 2; Born Tewkesbury Glos.
Orchard Court
1861 Ref-RG9/1806
William Craddock; Head; Widower; Male; 38; Masons Labourer; Born Tewkesbury Glos.
Displaying the 20 property records. There are more, but the search output is limited (paging has not been developed).
Number of records found: 21


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