by Wendy Snarey

(59) Conveyance of the New Inn in High Street – Mr F. Jelleyman to Messrs Godsell – 13th July 1897

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Cover: Conveyance of New Inn High Street – Mr F. Jelleyman to Messrs G.W. Godsell and J.U. Godsell – 13th July 1897

Memorandum – by Indenture dated 15th October 1907 One Cottage belonging to the New Inn Property was conveyed to Oswald B. Moore in fee simple

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Document: This Indenture dated 13th July 1897 made between:-

  1. Francis Jelleyman of Merthyr Tydfil Glamorgan butcher’s manager
  2. George William Godsell, James Uriah Godsell, Thomas Henry Godsell and Edward Samuel Godsell all of Salmon Springs Brewery near Stroud

Francis Jelleyman agrees to sell to George William Godsell, James Uriah Godsell, Thomas Henry Godsell and Edward Samuel Godsell for £285

All that front Messuage or Licensed Beer House and Premises thereto belonging situated in High Street Tewkesbury and commonly called or known as The New Inn formerly in the occupation of Richard Collins late of Francis Jelleyman 


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