Transcribed by Wendy Snarey, 2018

(18) Lease for a year – Benjamin Goolden Kent to William Potter – 23rd June 1831


Lease for a year – Benjamin G. Kent esq to Mr William Potter – 23rd June 1831


This Indenture dated 23rd June 4th and made between:
  1. Benjamin Goolden Kent of Levant Lodge Earls Croome Worcestershire esq
  2. William Potter the younger of Tewkesbury shopkeeper

Witnesseth that for 5 shillings to said William Potter by Benjamin Goolden Kent (receipt acknowledged), he, said Benjamin Goolden Kent hath bargained and sold to said William Potter

All that Messuage or Tenement formerly in occupation of Kenelm Bubb then William Webb, Mary Webb, John Haslem late of Ann Screen now George Green situate and being in Tewkesbury in the said street called the Barton Street between a Messuage or Tenement of John Lyes, John Cresswell, [blank] Pearkes and now of John Spurrier on the one side and a Messuage or Tenement of John Wilkinson, John Warner and now John Woodward on the other side

To hold to said William Potter for one whole year to intent and purposes that by virtue of these presents and for transferring uses into possession of said hereby bargain and sold premises and be thereby enabled to accept and take a grant and release as is expressed in and by a certain Indenture already prepared and to bear date the day next after the date of these presents and made between:

  1. George Watson of Tewkesbury bleacher
  2. John Allis Hartland and Nathaniel Hartland of Tewkesbury bankers and co-partners
  3. Benjamin Goolden Kent of Levant Lodge Earls Croome Worcestershire esq
  4. William Knight of Tewkesbury cordwainer
  5. William Potter the younger of Tewkesbury shopkeeper


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