1805 – Lease & Release - Thomas Pensam & Wife to Henry Welling

Transcribed by Wendy Snarey, 2012

On Cover:- Mr Thomas Pensam and wife to Henry Welling 18th December 1805 – Lease for a year

Indenture dated 19th December 1805 - 46th year George III between:-

  1. Thomas Pensam of Tewkesbury, gent and Mary his wife
  2. Henry welling of Tewkesbury gent

For £840 paid to Thomas Pensam by Henry Welling – Thomas Pensam and Mary his wife

have bargained and sold -

ALL THAT MESSUAGE or Tenement together with the malthouse, stable, garden hereditaments and premises thereto adjoining and belonging situate lying and being in Tewkesbury aforesaid in a certain street called High Street heretofore in possession of James Kedwards but now in possession of said Thomas Pensam – having:- 

Messuage or Tenement of said Henry welling on North

Messuage or Tenement late of William Randle on South and extending in length from said street on the forepart to a field called Oldbury Field on hinder part – To have and to hold to said Henry Welling his heirs and assigns forever 

At Hilary Term next levy in due form of law before His Majesty's justices in Court of

Common Pleas - One Fine Sur Conuzance de Droit Come Ceo

Signed by Thomas Pensam and Mary Pensam

Lease, inside
Lease, insideClick Image
 to Expand
Also Lease dated 18th December 1805 

Lease cover
Lease coverClick Image
 to Expand
Lease cover


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